Saturday, January 29, 2011

There was a State Of A Union?

    Listening to President Obama after the fact, I TOTALLY missed the live State of the Union address I think it sounds like he knows what he wants to do. He wants to try putting us on the right track; he seems to understand on what we need to help us be on the right track. Knowing this is the most difficult part in our history people are moving on, and continue to move forward even though we are in a crisis economically and globally.

    The economy seems to be one thing I can agree on about seven minutes in. That and the fact that President Obama says 'We all hated the bank bailout' but that and the fact he went on to say 'It was as popular as a root canal' seems to me like the president knew what he was talking about and that we can all say that it was a waste of time. That and the president has a funny side seems to be more up lifting than anything else, for what the president was trying to get a cross as, an up lifting speech as possible.

    The thing to me is that why would Bush's administration let the banks do what they want in the first place, and not keep them in check? They created this sort of package deal to help the banks stay a flout called the 'Finical Rescue Program' again if the people in office didn't let the banks get this out of control there really would been a need to talk about the things are being discussed today. Now we are a deafest but the fact is that we got 'most of the money back' Obama said. This to me is the biggest plus so far when talking about the economy, obviously.

    Taxes are being but our bills KEEP GOING
UP. In all honesty, WE AS A PEOLE are not gaining. However, this I found interesting a fee for big banks to pay back the Americans taxpayers, for the debt they've managed to cause or in the president's words 'in their time of need.' My opinion why not all banks, including big ones, this will only help us get further out of debt but quicker.

This part is one of the good parts. The president and his administration cut taxes but for how long. I like the fact that they are sort of thinking of us, but in all honesty where dose that lead us when the president is out of office. Again, don't get me wrong cutting taxes is the greatest gift any president can do, especially if you live in New York State like I do, it's GREAT to get a break. These cuts help put the economy back on track so people can spend instead of save and worry about their money leaving them through bills and taxes that don't need to be in place. With doing the in tax cuts 'there are two million Americans working which otherwise wouldn't be.' With this, the overall process 'The Recovery Act' it's called is also supposed to create 1.5 million more jobs by the end of the year.

The part of the speech that got me though is the part where Obama said that he'll take 30 billion dollars and put it where it belong, (sort of speak) back to the back bone of America, the small business so we can grow economically, and as a country. However, I found it interesting that the credit from the 30 billion dollars will go to 'community banks to give small business the money they need to stay afloat.' 'We can put Americans to work today by crating the info structure of tomorrow.' Only time will tell on this part.

When the president said something about China and how they have stuff and how behind I we are, I thought man I was for sure we were ahead, but its once again the administrations performances of the past that pushed us to where we are today. Of course, why do we need a high-speed railroad system when we have plains, and automobiles? However, I'm assuming the rail system he's talking about is an energy effect environmentally friendly and cost efficient than anything else. Seems like an idea that will waste money instead of help us. Of course, I'm always willing to say yes to something using the money we get back from the banks.

FINALLY, some sense from a president who knows what he's talking about. A rebate for people who use energy efficient products and tax cuts to American business who create jobs in America is in the works by a new bill that President wants to sign ASAP. Instead of the way, other countries gets tax cuts from us for having our jobs. By all means, I have no problem with this you go Mr. President.

The President wants to create a new way of doing business. He doesn't a repeat of the last 'or lost decade' in and thrive just like any other president should want. Thrive just like any other president should want.

This brings me to my next point the president made. He doesn't 'except second place for America' or course who wouldn't, I mean of course we are known as underdogs in some regards but not in economy and job growth. That's NOT what in any regards we are known, for. HE and the rest of the country (I hope) are tired of being runners up in these categories to nations that are surpassing us almost on a daily bases.

The House has passed the finical reform bill on the banks. This is because it 'has business access credit and create new jobs,' but at the meantime, watching what happens and act before it happens and bring down our economy again. The information given to the people as well therefore, we know how to invest our money instead of having some big shot do it for us and having nothing to spend on for ourselves. Obama has already said that 'I will send it back until we get it right'.

The environment seems to be the talk of the town right now. In addition, what the president seems to be posing is just as good. This means more new job in this field and less waste by us into the environment. This also means that the next generation is now liable for creating all this new technology and creating new jobs that go along with it. As well as investments in many ways to fine new cleaner ways to use our energy, from clean coal to biofuels to power plants that give off less emissions. In addition, to lead the global economy again someday we first have to start small and invest in our own green energy research but before all this happen the Senate has to pass a bill making it more legal now a days to make thing environmentally friendlier.

I guess the president SEEMS to know what he's doing. I epically like that he seems to be doing a great job on taking care of the environment, that and he's doing it in record time compared to some presidents we've had. YET he has NOT talked about people who have disability or how he plans on helping. I hope this is not how the years with Obama will be like. Of course this ALL MY opinion. I like to hear from you the readers on what you all think about how the president is doing. Please email me or reply. Thanks always, Dave.

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